Europa Garage Doors from Cherwell Doors are now available with the coveted Secured by Design (SBD) accreditation.
SBD is the official flagship initiative from the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) that supports the principles of “designing out crime” through products and applications that are made to the highest specifications in terms of security standards.
The drop in burglary levels since 1995 peak is, in part, due to the homes being more secure and statistics show that SBD products reduce burglary up to 75% on new build developments and up to 60% on refurbished developments.

Europa has achieved the sought-after SBD accreditation through the introduction of the Europa Elite Roller Garage Door. This is based on an existing product – the Europa Roller Garage Door – but specific aspects have been redesigned to enhance security.
A garage often stores many valuable possessions but can be an easy place for a thief to gain access. So, to obtain the SBD accreditation, the Europa Elite had to demonstrate it could withstand sustained and vigorous attacks and show it would be a beneficial purchase for any security-conscious homeowner.
“We live in an age where physical security has never been more essential, so achieving the Secured By Design accreditation with our Europa Elite Roller Garage Door is a proud moment in our long and established history,” says Simon Perks, General Manager.
“It was hard work to meet all the rigorous standards and undergo the tough test required to obtain SBD status, but it is worth it to launch a product that homeowners know will deter and repel would-be thieves. Joining the SBD initiative further demonstrates our commitment to supplying our customers with products of the highest quality, whilst maintaining a level of affordability that’s necessary in such a competitive market”
The full range of products includes both power operated ad manually operated industrial roller shutters, commercial steel roller shutters, fire rated roller shutters, Callisto aluminium continental roller shutters, Ultradoor steel/aluminium hybrid roller shutters, Europa and Europa Compact roller garage doors, and PVC strip curtains. All the products are tested in accordance with current CPR regulations.
To find out more about Europa Elite call Cherwell Doors 01295 256698 or complete our contact form.